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The church leadership support the call for protest on 10th of December.

By November 25, 2021November 28th, 2023No Comments

“The church leadership support the call for protest on 10th December against forced conversion”, say Bishop Humphrey Sarfaraz Peters & Bishop Frederick John.

In two different meetings held by Action Committee for Minorities Rights (Int), two of the very prominent Bishops in Pakistan, Bishop Humphrey Sarfaraz Peters: Bishop of the diocese of Peshawar and Bishop Frederick John: Bishop of the diocese of Karachi and Balochistan have said that they fully understand the need for a law to stop forced conversion and under age marriages in Pakistan. Now is the time for the Christian community to be united. They said that since the government is paying no attention to their plight, our community should use all the possible democratic means to save their daughters from abduction, forced conversion and under age marriages. They said that they will encourage their community to come out on 10th December 2021 and observe the day with nationwide and worldwide protests.
The honourable Bishops were in an online meeting with Mr. Gulbaz Fazal, Mr. Watson Gill, Pastor Nadeem k. Din, Pastor Imran Gill and Mr. Ijaz Mathew Zulfquar on 25th November. The Bishops praised the role of overseas Christian community especially in the Netherlands that they bravely highlight the problems faced by the church and the Christian community in Pakistan.
Mr. Gulbaz Fazal said the honourable Bishops should lead their community during the protests. Mr. Watson Gill said that the church leadership should come out all over the country, Pastor Nadeem k. Din said God uses his servants always to lead their people, Pastor Imran Gill said that the pastors and Bishops are lbhike a father to their nation and leaders like Moses and David. Mr. Ijaz Mathew Zulfquar expressed that great men of God like Bishop Desmond Tutu and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. have always fought against the evil of their times and in their countries. We look towards our church leaders to lead us in the fight against the evil of our time.

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